Planforge announced Planforge 25, the latest release of its industry-leading project work management software. The new version introduces the Gate Management Option (GMO), an optional module developed specifically to help track the product maturity level for development projects. With version 25, Planforge also ships their first GenAI-powered assistant features as announced late last year. The release also features more configurable portfolio dashboards.
Gate Management for Development Projects
With its new Gate Management Option, Planforge builds a bridge between development processes and projects by directly integrating support for process gates into project planning. A process gate is a key decision point in a workflow where progress is evaluated to ensure criteria are met before moving to the next phase. Gates are uniquely defined on the project pipeline stage level, and can then be used in project templates and plans together with progress criteria and due dates.
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Process gate criteria are based on work packages (WP) and target progress levels per WP. Therefore, the maturity level per criterion can be automatically derived based on actual WP progress. Process gate maturity levels are in turn aggregated based on criteria progress levels. Also target dates for process gates can be automatically monitored based on actual versus planned finish dates of their linked work packages.
“In the technology and automotive industries, gate management today involves a lot of manual work, as project plans are not integrated with process gates in any way,” said Gerald Aquila, founder & CEO of Planforge. “With Planforge 25, we are changing the game: by directly reusing existing actual project management data for monitoring and controlling process gates we can not only save many hours of work, but also cut administrative costs significantly.”
SOURCE: Businesswire